Thirty First of 40 Donations

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Following Da Baby’s completely stupid and ignorant comments, the Thirty First of my 40 donations goes to the Terrence Higgins Trust.

The Terrence Higgins Trust is a charity that supports those living with HIV – they are the largest voluntary sector provider of HIV and sexual health services in the UK, running services out of local centres across Great Britain.

No one really wants to live with this; it’s not limited to any one section of society.

The Terrence Higgins Trust estimates that about 7% of the roughly 103,800 people living with the virus in the UK, do not know they are HIV positive.

Their vision for 2030 is that there will be no new HIV transmissions in the UK.

A drug that prevents the transmission of the HIV virus will be available on the NHS in England from April, the Department of Health has confirmed.

The cost is estimated to likely be much less than the lifetime bill for treating those who already carry the virus.

PrEP – or pre-exposure prophylaxis – is an antiretroviral medicine which, taken once a day, stops the transmission of HIV during unprotected sex.

Stay safe out there!