Relive my youth at 40

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I’m extremely grateful to have had a great childhood, probably so much so that I haven’t wanted to grow up!

I recently travelled to see my Mother for her Birthday. Presenting myself for a week was just what we all needed after such a long time apart. Current restrictions meant that I had to quarantine for the duration but that proved to be a blessing in disguise as I enjoyed spending some time working in the garden.

It was during this time that my Mother popped out so my Sister and I started skiving off and messing about. I fixed up my Carrera Vulcan mountain bike and attempted to make the most of the property boundaries by creating a downhill course that went from highest corner of the property to the lowest opposite other.

Coincidentally, the total descent was 40 feet!

Playing out with my Sister felt like we were ten years old on the school summer holidays without a care in the world. We had the weather and time and now the benefit of modern technology on our hands.

This was an experience that demonstrated ‘you’re only as young as you feel’ – even falling off into a bush did not deter me.

My Sister was so good on the camera we did the main bit in just one take although I did boss her about quite a bit – just like any self-respecting older Brother should!

I completed the course numerous times – it was really technical and fun, especially on those Continental Contact Reflective commuter tyres but I think we need a ski-lift installing to keep enjoying it all day!