The fifth of my 40 donations goes to Age UK. Age UK provide companionship, advice and support to older people and their loved ones. Unfortunately, it seems older people are more likely to be adversely affected by Corona.

The following BBC Article helps explain why:
A combination of two things – a weaker immune system in the first place and a body less able to cope.
We know our immune system gets weaker with age.
“The quality of the antibodies you produce when you’re 70 is a lot worse than when you’re 20,” says Prof Hunter.
And there are some suggestions older men may be more prone to high levels of inflammation which can become deadly.
A lifetime of wear-and-tear takes its toll on the body’s organs and that leaves you less able to survive an infection.
“If you’re 95 and your kidney function is already at 60% of what it used to be and then you hit it with something else, then [your kidneys] may no longer be functioning at the level required for life,” says Dr MacDermott.