40 subscribers to my YouTube channel!

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I’ve been uploading content to YouTube for some time now but initially used it more like cloud-based storage for videos I wanted to keep but not necessarily share. More recently, I have been creating content that is more viewer friendly and shared publicly.

My original videos were either from a Mobius Action Cam or a GoPro and for a while, I was creating content on my Samsung Galaxy S10+. It was surprisingly effective but copyright claims on licenced music were really causing me a headache so I recently upgraded to a decent programme on my Dell XPS-15; it’s like night and day!

I enjoy creating content and sharing my experiences via this medium and will try to improve my offerings as I learn more about editing and production. I have a lot of respect for those who have ‘mastered the algorithm’.

I guess a lot of viewers like to see a particular topic on a channel but mine is an eclectic mix of things I enjoy participating in from freediving to mountaineering and loads of other stuff in between.

In April 2021 a total of 40 people had subscribed to my YouTube channel and I was made up!

40 for 40!

By June 2021 my subscribers had increased to 47 – a 17.5% increase in two months!

If things carry on like this, I might achieve 440 subscribers in October 2023!

Seriously, thanks for all your support – I hope to keep entertaining you for years to come.

Check it out here or click one of the above images – like and subscribe!