The thirty fourth of my 40 donations goes to Nathan Ford’s rehabilitation.
Nathan was involved in an accident whilst competing in a British Championship Triathlon in Aberfeldy, Scotland.

As a result of this accident Nathan is currently in Intensive Care in Scotland and has a long road ahead of him. Nathan was diagnosed with two life threatening conditions, a brain injury and a spinal injury.
It appears that his brain injury isn’t as severe as initially thought but his spinal injury is worse than imagined. Currently Nathan is not able to breathe independently and is unable to move.
Nathan’s wife set up this page to support herself and their family, to be close to Nathan in this critical time. They are 500 miles from home and hope to stay with Nathan until he can be transferred closer to home.
The Family is searching for extra tools, support and services that can help them to help Nathan. There are resources to help him communicate with them that they feel are vital for his wellbeing at this time.
Much further down the line they are hoping rehabilitation can provide some quality of life for Nathan.
It goes without saying that they are heartbroken at this time and any support that can help alleviate some of the financial worry will be hugely appreciated.
Nathan is well known and loved by so many, and we all know how strong and independent he is, but this isn’t a race he can win alone.
Having had a serious bicycle accident myself, I realise how quickly things can take an unexpected turn and my heart goes out to Nathan’s family. Incredibly, the community has rallied together and at the time of posting this blog, the fund has risen to over £80k!