The tenth of my 40 donations went to the The Ferret, Preston via their Crowdfunder campaign.
Previously known as ‘Time Square’ and ‘The Mad Ferret’, The Ferret occupies a unique niche in Preston’s grassroots live music scene supporting emerging musician and artists.
This venue was my local when I lived in Preston and I’ve frequented the bar since college.
I was disappointed to read that since coronavirus hit, the venue has been struggling. It goes to show how far reaching the impact of this pandemic really is.
The Ferret adds so much to the city’s arts and culture scene, its loss would be a tragedy to the Community that love it.
You can read all about their campaign via the following link:
There is a national campaign started by the The Music Venue Trust that The Ferret are now tying to get involved in that you can find on the hashtag:
Let’s make ‘Support The Ferret, This Place Matters’ happen