The twenty eighth of my 40 donations goes to the Shark Trust who are safeguarding the future of sharks through positive change. The Sharks Trust believe the best way to safeguard the future of sharks is through a solutions-based approach that promotes positive change.
The Sharks Trust’s conservation goals set the agenda for their work. They achieve their goals through projects and campaigns that bring together different players. All of their projects, campaigns, and policy actions drive progress towards these 3 key goals:
- SPECIES PROTECTION – protection of endangered species through legislation and effective conservation action. Their Saving Species projects place science at the heart of conservation action.
- FISHERIES MANAGEMENT – fisheries managed for sustainability to prevent declines in non-threatened species. They’re working to transform fisheries to prevent population decline through overfishing.
- RESPONSIBLE TRADE – They promote responsible trade and reduced demand for non-sustainable shark products.
There’s lots of ways you can help. From raising awareness about shark conservation, to taking part in one of their citizen science projects – they’ve got something for all ages. Visit their Get Involved page to find out more.