The eighth of my 40 donations goes to the UK Sepsis Trust.
The UK Sepsis Trust‘s goal is to end preventable deaths from sepsis and improve outcomes for sepsis survivors. They believe that earlier diagnosis and treatment across the UK would save several thousand lives a year.
The UK Sepsis Trust was founded in 2012 by NHS consultant, Dr Ron Daniels BEM. Renowned for his systems and translational expertise, Ron had spent the previous 7 years developing and disseminating the Sepsis 6 pathway across the NHS and globally.
My Father passed away 7 years ago today and whilst it is clear he was not well as he was undergoing treatment for cancer, I firmly believe he would not have died when and how he did, had the hospital ensured he was administered antibiotics within one hour of experiencing rigors.
Unfortunately, antibiotics were not administered for a number of hours and by that time, the damage was done and his body went into septic shock and he didn’t recover. I commend the critical care staff who looked after him for those painful last few days and am grateful that now practice has changed to ensure antibiotics are administered concurrently with chemotherapy drugs to mitigate the risk my Dad fell foul of.