The seventeenth of my 40 donations goes to The Tree of Life Social Charity Society in Bahrain.
The Tree of Life Social Charity Society was founded in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 2012 and offers its services to all segments of the Bahraini community with no discrimination to race, religion, colour, gender or social class.
Their services focus on social welfare, support for orphans, aid for deprived families and health care.
Bahrain and the Bahrainis have always been very good to me and this is a small token of my appreciation for their gracious hospitality.

Now I have to hold my hand up and admit that I assumed the exchange rate before I actually checked the spot rate online and I’m afraid I was one pound and nineteen pence short of £40 so I will make this up in a future donation – oops, sorry!
Special thanks to my expert translator 😉
You can read more about the good work Tree of Life Social Charity Society does on the following link: