The nineteenth of my 40 donations goes to a charity organisation called HUMEN.
Inspired by a friend of mine Johnny Ward who is rowing across the Atlantic Ocean unsupported and fuelled only by muscle-power. I climbed Aconcagua with Johnny and he’s just the guy they need on board.

Humen provide anonymous and non-clinical safe spaces for men to talk, listen and connect on a regular basis across the UK. The HUMEN Space is preventative, practical and plain speaking. No lingo or prescriptive advice. Free one hour sessions where men get together to talk honestly in a confidential space without risk of judgment or ridicule. The right to talk should never be a privilege. Every Monday 6:30 PM (GMT) for any man across the UK.
Their operations have had to adapt since COVID restrictions but this has facilitated their local meetings going online and thereby becoming international.
They meet every Monday at 6:30 PM – you can register via the following link:
‘You are human. I am human. We are HUMEN.’
‘The Gym for Your Mind’
Johnny Ward
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Update May 2021 – they did it!