The eleventh of my 40 donations went to support Mr Pepito Lopez’s family via my Residents Association’s Just Giving page.
Pepito Lopez was Accommodation Supervisor on my compound. A lovely, kind, considerate, caring, hardworking man who always thought of others and had time for everyone, a consummate professional serving all members of our community. Nothing was too much trouble, always happy and happy to help and do anything that was asked of him an incredible role model to all the staff, loved and respected by all.
Unfortunately, Mr Lopez became a victim of COVID-19.
Pepito leaves his beloved family, his wife Maricor who he always said was the love of his life, 3 sons Gregg, Neil Ian and Ronn David, 2 grandchildren, one being Timothy who sadly he didn’t get to meet. May he rest in peace and be remembered in the hearts of his loved ones and friends forever.
I’m really proud of my community for raising as much as we did and sincererly hope it helps his family in this time of uncertainty and need.